
  • The Safety of Dental X-Rays
    An article was released to the public stating that dental X-rays contribute to a type of brain cancer. After reading an article like this, your first thought may be to Read more
  • Five Easy Ways to Prevent Gum Disease
    Gum disease can be painful and lead to missing teeth if you don’t treat it properly. However, there are plenty of things you can do to lower your risk of Read more
  • Every Day is Earth Day
    During the early days of the environmental awareness movement, those who demonstrated against pollution, toxic chemicals, and the general public health were known as hippies. The early 1970s were a Read more
  • Questions on Dental Implants? We’ve Got You Covered.
    Whether you’ve lost a tooth from decay, are preparing for dentures, or were born with a gap where a tooth should have been, you could be a candidate for dental Read more
  • Top Five Ways to Improve Heart Health
    While there is no definite evidence that if your prevent gum diseases, like periodontitis, that you may be able to prevent a heart condition or heart disease. The only thing Read more
  • Periodontal disease; I have what?!
    Our team from Fiandaca Periodontics understands the diagnosis of periodontal disease can be scary and confusing, but the good news in most cases is that it is treatable and manageable Read more
  • What do I do if I fall and loosen my teeth?
    Although teeth are strong enough to tear through food, they are also fragile. An accident such as a fall may loosen teeth or knock a tooth out entirely. When a Read more
  • St. Patrick's Day
    On March 17, everyone has a little Irish in them. St. Patrick’s Day is a joyous celebration of Irish heritage. The holiday originated as a commemoration of Saint Patrick, who Read more
  • Good Nutrition Leads to Healthy Mouths
    At Fiandaca Periodontics, we know the most common oral health diseases are tooth decay and periodontal disease (or gum disease), and both are among the easiest to prevent. One of Read more
  • Do We Outgrow Tooth Decay?
    Short answer: No. But, since an answer that short is hardly worth the time it took you to click on the link, allow us to explain further! We tend to think Read more
  • When should I see a periodontist?
    the doctor and our team always tell our patients that if you value your overall health, not just your oral health, anytime is a good time to visit Fiandaca Periodontics Read more
  • The Origins of Valentine's Day
    When we think of Valentine’s Day, we think of cards, flowers, and chocolates. We think of girlfriends celebrating being single together and couples celebrating their relationship. We think of all Read more
  • February is Heart Month
    The American Academy of Periodontology stresses the importance of good oral health since gum disease may be linked to heart disease and stroke. Thus far, no cause-and-effect relationship has been Read more
  • Can children be at risk for developing periodontal disease?
    the doctor and our team hear this question a lot. While many people believe periodontal disease is an adult problem, studies have indicated that periodontal disease, also known as gum Read more
  • Xerostomia: What does that mean anyway?
    Does your mouth always feel like it’s dry? If it does you may be suffering from xerostomia. Xerostomia is defined as dry mouth resulting from reduced or absent saliva flow. Read more
  • The Link Between HPV and Oral Cancer
    Cancer has become a common word, and it seems like there is new research about it every day. We know antioxidants are important. We know some cancers are more treatable Read more